Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Back in the sewing room!

 The above quilt was made by my daughter, I furnished the back, had it quilted and binding by mom.

 I made these two Huggies wipes cases. One goes to my hair stylist and the other was sold.
This was a picnic quilt I made for my daughter and was looking for the perfect binding, little ants.

I have been MIA for some time now due to personal problems. It's been a struggle, but I am back to sewing. I am working on a string quilt now and still have a pile of scraps left. Life is back to normal and I am happy again.


Lynette said...

I love the picnic quilt - Ants on the binding? Perfect!! I'm glad life has settled back down for you.


I am so happy to hear you are back. I have missed you.